Ansible loop when condition. Execute the playbook using the ansible-playbook command.
Ansible loop when condition Remember, mastering conditionals and loops in Ansible will make your playbooks more dynamic and adaptable. This allows you to apply a when to a group of tasks. Arbab Nazar Arbab Nazar. ubuntu. It includes the creation of multiple users using the user module, installing multiple packages The second option works with an input ansible-playbook loop. Do you have any idea, how can I fix this? Thanks a lot! Ansible Conditional loop Is there a way to run a block of tasks until successful condition? This is what I am trying to achieve: ansible loop include_tasks and until success. answered Apr 14, 2015 at 20:03. e. Ansible to loop until result is not empty. Now, run the above playbook. Instead of writing the same task How to Implement Loops in Ansible? Here is a simple example of a loop that installs multiple packages: Common Ansible Conditional Syntax. 1. I need the execution of loop only occurs when the conditional is met but I can’t get it. Loops¶. ansible to compare two strings in a file and check if equals to defined variable. In many cases the group_by module can be It checks this condition using ansible_facts['os_family']. For instance, to install multiple packages in a single task, loops are particularly useful. app ] }}" loop: "{{ data }}" when: item. Common Mistakes when Combining Conditionals and Loops The when condition is executed at each iteration on the loop, it cannot be used as a way to not enter the loop, just to skip an iteration. Ansible offers two keywords for creating loops: Ansible can ship a file to a remote server. It allows for an unexpected failure to go unnoticed. How to check for string when not in variable. This is not “python in ansible”. Ansible "until:" and register variables. How to print command output in Ansible when there is a condition? 0. app is defined and item. Walter_Rowe (Walter Rowe) July 20, 2023, 12:21pm 4. revindex. I am getting an error, that the conditional is not correct. check out the below example. If you are using ansible>=2. Since template file paths are dependent on inventory_hostname and ansible_distribution_release, in case there is something missing for some particular combination of these variables, the task will not fail which is maybe Ansible loop with conditional. Execute the playbook using the ansible-playbook command. How to skip an undefined item while using with_items in Ansible. In many cases the group_by module can be a more streamlined way to accomplish the same thing; see Operating System and Distribution Variance. --- - name: Ensure users hosts: node1 become: yes Based on the content of the variable, the when condition could still not do the trick, because the validity of the data passed to the loop will be considered first. To clarify further, the logic would be the following: for each element in the bridge mapping dictionary, run this: lxc profile show Since Ansible 2. If you combine a when statement with a loop, Ansible processes the condition separately for each item. username }} Ansible blocks provide a convenient way to logically group tasks. Ansible offers the loop, with_<lookup>, and until keywords to execute a task multiple times. This flexibility allows you to execute tasks selectively. Ansible loop till the condition matches. Ansible offers two keywords for creating loops: . command: echo {{ item }} loop: [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10] when: item > 5. ansible-playbook playbook. How to get ansible results of a loop even if a item failed? 0. For exemple: - name: Skip the whole task ansible. Add a comment | 0 . answered Mar 1, 2022 at 7:29. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 5 months ago. Whether this is better depends on your use case. 4, testing for the absence of a directory or UNIX socket did not work correctly. Ansible loop is used to repeat any task or a part of code multiple times in an Ansible-playbook. At the moment Ansible ships the file to the server, the Jinja template will be interpreted; Here, you are testing the existence of a directory, but do you really want this to be tested at the moment Ansible ships the Conditionals in Ansible is simply a condition that is set in order to perform a task. I am working with nested dicts and have multiple dictionary files with identical key's. Using Loops in Ansible. Hot Network Questions How to give a heads up to people from a different company that the CEO of the company I work for has anger issues? Ansible loop till the condition matches. 1: 0: July 22, 2015 with_items and register in a role/main. So, if you bake your condition right into your templated loop variable, for example, with an inline if, then you can achieve your desired behaviour. Example loop_control: label: "Creating You will note a lot of ‘skipped’ output by default in Ansible when using this approach on systems that don’t match the criteria. So if you want access to both the include’s Ansible >= 2. The ability to use search_regex with a port connection was added in Ansible 1. Ansible loop break at condition. 0. Filtering a dict in Q: A blank line is added if the condition is not satisfied. If you combine a when conditional statement with a loop, Ansible would test the condition for each item in the loop separately. 5k 14 14 gold badges 73 73 silver badges 122 122 bronze badges. How to use ansible loop. You can also use the “when” conditional statement along with the loop structure. 2. For example, the following print-even. 23. This is my dictionary: --- remediation_scripts: - name: "Configure This loop is used for retrying task until certain condition is met. Ansible with registers using loop. Hot Network Questions Measuring resistance of a circuit with a diode in series How can I buy screwdrivers than are useful most of the time? Why do mDNS packets reach my device with a subnet mask of As of Ansible 2. Combining conditionals with loops. 2: 8: October 25, 2014 Check for two possible values of var in when_string? Ansible Project. 3 min read. For example, ansible-doc An Ansible loop allows you to repeat a task or a set of tasks multiple times with different values, reducing code duplication and making playbooks more concise and maintainable. Common Ansible loops include changing ownership on several files and/or directories with the file module, creating multiple users with the user module, and repeating a polling step until a certain result is reached. In Ansible, how to check if a variable contains a string? 1. Ansible nested loop. In this example: we set run_block to true which allows our block tasks to be executed. This is jinja2 templating which is a fully supported feature of ansible. A: See Whitespace Control. Modifying a variable inside a block task (using set_fact) during run time will affect any conditional assigned to that variable. 2, you can use end_play with the meta module: - meta: end_play You can also specify when for conditionally ending the play: - meta: end_play when: upgrading. 12. Examples of commonly-used loops include changing ownership on several files and/or directories with the file module, creating multiple users with the user module, and repeating a polling step until a certain result is reached. Ansible working with multiple loops Using Ansible loop with when statement: - set_fact: app_list="{{ (app_list | default([])) + [ item. Source: Register variables in with_items loop in Ansible playbook. Now this said, you can use a conditional expression in the loop declaration itself to come around this issue: - name: Log into additional docker registries, when required command: docker login -u {{ item. 0 has a block feature that allows you to logically group tasks. There are a couple of things that you need to keep in mind, a included task that has it’s own with_ loop will overwrite the value of the special item variable. With Loops . ansible loop over shell command output. This is by design, so you can execute the task on some items in the The list of all items in the loop. As a corollary to that, when using with_items and setting a failed_when condition, you can’t seem to use the ‘rc’ property of the register variable in a task because the rc code only exists if the task fails. 4, testing for the presence of a file did not work correctly if the remote user did not have read access to that file. " The task in the code below (Task-1) runs a loop where the when condition checks if the item value is greater than five and returns the result. I need to call the role until one of two conditions are met. The main difference between this and the fail or assert modules is that the task isn't marked as failed; it's just skipped. Can an item inside “with_items” or “loop” be skipped? using condition “when some_variable is not If you combine a when statement with a loop, Ansible processes the condition separately for each item. Loops . Ansible - Looping through list Use Ansible‘s idempotent modules within loops for consistency ; Consume data from inventory, registers and external sources for flexibility; Optimize performance of large loops with loop_control features; Keep your eyes open for loop gotchas like variable collisions or side effects; As Ansible notes, "To loop is human, to with_items divine. Modified 7 years, 5 months ago. yml. json_query filter lets you query a complex JSON structure and iterate over it using a loop structure. yml loop:-1-2-3 loop_control: Conditional statements in playbooks Using Variables All about variables User Mailing List Have a question? Stop by the google group! Ansible Retry until can rerun the task only until the defined number of retries. 0. @bcoca nice one and definitely the most elegant. Ansible include_tasks with loop failed to check when condition. Ansible conditionals with nested loops. 8. The loop is not an issue but I’d like to implement a “when” condition so to attempt to create the bridge only when it is not there already. Viewed 37 times 1 . . Improve this answer. Below is my playbook: - hosts: localhost vars: show: - read A loop over a list of eth/br devices would be used to achieve this. So it is unfortunate that native Ansible syntax does not allow looping to be combined with a block. app == true Filter elements from list of dictionaries in ansible that match a condition. Consider the simple conditional block below controlled by a variable ‘do_block_logic’: - name: simple block with conditional block: - name: simple block task1 debug: msg="hello" - name: Ansible loop control; Conditional loops in Ansible; Best practices for using loops in Ansible; How Spacelift can help you with Ansible projects; Key points; Ansible is an open-source automation tool that simplifies configuration management, orchestration, application deployments, and cloud provisioning and ensures security and compliance. Ansible working with multiple loops in conditions. the switchName value matches an expected name; ansible; until-loop; or ask your own question. 0 you are able to use with_ loops and task includes (but not playbook includes), this adds the ability to loop over the set of tasks in one shot. The community. index. I want to conditionally define a variable in an Ansible playbook like this: my_var: "{{ 'foo' if my_condition}}" I would like the variable to remain undefined if the condition does not resolve t The ansible_interfaces variable is just a list of all the network devices (eth0, eth1, lo, etc) that exist on the hosts. The ansible. Some of the items should be in the list unconditionally, for example, item1. - block: - shell: expr {{item}} + 1 ignore_errors: yes register: cmd_stat - set_fact: var1={{item}} Is it possible to skip some items in Ansible with_items loop operator, on a conditional, without generating an additional step? Just for example: - name: test task command: touch "{{ item. I've also tried with_nested, which produced worse results. Ansible Loops¶. In computer programming, this is called a loop. yml playbook will print all the even numbers in the range(1,11): Ansible loop till the condition matches. how to create conditional list in ansible task. Example 1: Use Ansible when with a loop and conditionals. However, the quickest way is using ansible-doc. Ansible loop till the condition matches. So we cannot use ansible retry for tasks which we cannot foresee/estimate how long it may take. 1 Conditional expressions in Ansible (when) allow you to execute tasks only when given conditions are met. stdout|int}} when: countvar. However, I have included one way which MIGHT work for you I want ansible loop to skip first only the first item on a list > item - a the task looks like: - name: create project sub-directory win_file: path: '{{ projects_dir }}\{{ project_name }}\{{ Skip certain items on condition in ansible with_items loop. Most of them you can find by searching the subject, e. yml in ~/ansible-files on your control node as your student user and run it. Execute the Playbook. 4. However, the when condition is skipping the entire task rather than walking the loop and skipping only the scsi_controller(s) with value of zero. Note that “item” is not enclosed in double brackets. a For tag), a comment, or a variable expression, the whitespaces before or after that block will be removed. yml-include_tasks: inner. db file). stdout == 'SSUS' But my client don’t want use python in the ansible just wanted to know can we use ansible loop and condition to determine the match group_names? Thanks Deepak Kumar. Loop on Ansible items. [‘failed_attempt’] == “failed” I am using ansible 2. ; However on the 2nd block task, we update run_block to be false; This will affect our Hi all, I have a problem when I try to loop over dictionary. I am using the when condition, still the null value gets printed. In this type of loop the test condition is test. Ansible offers several loop structures, such as with_items, loop, and until, to facilitate the management of repetitive tasks. Ansible offers several loop structures, loop_control. -hosts: docker-server vars: trigger_condition: We then use label with Ansible’s Loop Control to control the output of each loop / each assert result. Follow edited Jan 12, 2023 at 16:39. 6. Exact Match of Selecting JSON data: JSON queries . 17. To select a single element or a data subset from a complex data structure in JSON format (for example, Ansible facts), use the community. If output is single line: - name: check on sync status shell: some command register: sync_status until: sync_status. json_query filter. How can I use regex in when condition. Some of them would be added to the list if "when" conditions are met. I'm trying to come up with an elegant way to populate a list. #main. Ansible Jinja2 Filter - Filter data and create a list from data. Ansible offers two keywords for creating loops: I would like to know how to loop over multiple tasks until condition is met. ansible loop with items. 8k 13 13 gold badges 81 81 silver badges 83 83 bronze badges. Ansible with jinja template. yml this playbook will execute shell module with ignore errors & set var1 variable. Ansible "until" not able to match the string. We will use the user module to generate the user accounts. The above task will loop over each of those devices and then look for variable names like ansible_eth0, ansible_lo, etc. 7. rdm_info (variables): Ansible if else condition based on gathered fact; Share. I've tried using loop|dict2items (the structure isn't a dictionary, & it tells m Can somebody point me out that how we can use multiple conditions with ansible on single task. builtin. yml --extra-vars='{"wanted_datacenters": ["opendc-rookie", "Datacenter-Test"]}' Please take the time to phrase your question to explain what you are trying to do, it will avoid spending time answering the wrong question. Viewed 1k times it seems when ansible check the condition "'{{item}}' in packages" it is using like but not equal. The following code works fine, when the condition is met (IaC. Sometimes you want to repeat a task multiple times. That is Ansible will continue executing the task until expression used here evaluates to true. Checking when conditional is not a value in ansible. 3. yml to loop a group of tasks. general. stdout == "no" Note, though, that the task is not listed in the output of ansible-playbook, regardless of whether or not the play actually ends. e. The following example will run the task when the loop value is the same as the “loop_1” variable. Follow asked Nov 22, 2015 at 16:25. Ansible conditional with variable. Here's an example of a conditional task: - name: Restart Apache service: name: apache2 state: restarted when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian' Step 2: Implementing Loops How do I break out of a loop in Ansible? A: Ansible does not provide a direct way to break out of There is no "task global" condition, indeed, but you can easily skip a task that contains a loop if the list you are looping on is empty. Share. It seems to be an issue that the when condition is not updated on iterations when include_tasks module is used. Thanks. Loops allow the repetition of tasks for multiple items, enabling efficient task execution without redundancy. This is by design, so you can execute the task on some items in the loop and skip it on other items. When a conditional is used with include_* tasks instead of imports, it is applied only You cannot break the loop, but can skip the loop execution if your condition satisfy at any item. I need to skip the value null from a list in ansible loop. test. For example I have some tasks that write to a log that's later How to loop a conditional dictionary in ansible. Ansible when condition in loop. ansible loop include_tasks and until success. Which means you generally need to add a condition within your include_task to handle the logic on whether or not to do something. The I added some references. Ansible - condition if a variable value exists in a variable. It gets the ipv4 address string out of each of those variables, and just does a find (since the string I am trying to create an Ansible task to remove RDM disks from a VM when the scsi_controller value is not zero. I have to make a notice though. Conditional if. Modified 1 month ago. Mainly because to loop an include_task, the loop needs to run N times which doesn't break. Ansible: Stop a loop when the conditional is true the first time. U880D U880D. 5. status == 400), the problem is that when the condition is not met, the 2nd task still runs, the loop tries to process IaC2, which doesn't exist, and the task fails with: "Invalid data passed to 'loop', it requires a list, got this instead: Use the when keyword followed by the conditional statement within each task definition. but the block module will only execute until var1 is not defined. Ansible loop not execute if same value. Quoting: If you add a minus sign (-) to the start or end of a block (e. Execute ansible include_tasks until a certain condition is met (kind of while until loop) 1. db_filename). Improve this question. [‘item’]. Within that tasks file you can use {{item}} on each of your tasks and It will copy from the item during the loop. The current iteration of the loop. g. The Ansible register conditional ansible loop with when condition a register variable for more then one match string instance. Corporate & Communications Address: A-143, 7th Floor, To stop Ansible loop if one of the calls to the module returned changed. I fixed the looped code to effectively use the filenames you loop on (I inferred it was supposed to be the deploy. This is done by using the when keyword. Kashyap Kashyap. yml You will see the following screenshot: Example 5: Use Ansible when based on registered values. stdout|int > 0 Loops¶. subelements filter produces a product of an object and the subelement values of that object Introduction to Ansible Loop. Can an item inside “with_items” or “loop” be skipped? using condition “when some_variable is not defined” ? Here is my play. Ansible 2. This way only the failed asserts are verbose whilst the I'm quite new to Ansible, so please be patient. Ansible search content of variable in another variable. Currently using -block: will not work. Loop with conditional statement. Ansible register condition. Tasks do not always have the state option, so it becomes difficult to ensure idempotency when the playbook is run multiple times. I made the code idempotent as much as possible by using the ansible module copy in place of shell and dropped the ansible loop condition, does like instead of equal when check item in a list. loop_control is an Ansible directive providing further control for loops. In essence: If the network id AND the prefix cannot be found in output 2 then print: “Prefix is not configured” The loop variables are “network” and “prefix”. For example: tasks:-name: Run with items greater than 5 ansible. 4: 4: July 20, 2023 when condition based on list. Ansible offers two keywords for creating loops: Ansible loop till the condition matches. What if I need to dynamically end the loop earlier (le How to loop subelements with conditions based on string value? Ask Question Asked 1 month ago. So far I got this and it is not working, I assume it just overrides item1 with item2 and 3. Ansible how to I am trying to use ansible loop until the condition is met. Hot Affecting ansible when conditional at task level from inside a block. To use this loop in task you essentially need to add 3 arguments to your task arguments: until - condition that must be met for loop to stop. Note the use of loop_control to disambiguate the variable name in the included file (i. Basically, the question remains what syntax to use in case of multiple conditions using Boolean “and”, and in conjunction with loop variables. Follow edited Mar 1, 2022 at 7:45. Ansible Project. At Avi Networks we’ve used this for much of our Hi all, I am encountering a problem using a conditional loop with hostvars. ansible_loop. It cannot run the task forever until the condition is met, like a typical loop. When you combine a when statement with a loop, Ansible processes the condition separately for each item in the loop. Thus you can control the looping based on a variable or system facts. How to combine two loops into one in Ansible. Ansible - Looping through list and writing into when taskStatus is 21 means the tasks is running, I should wait and contnue to get the result until the taskStatus becomes 20 that means success, but when the taskStatus is 22 means the api fails, and I should break the loop call. How to solve this specific nested loop in Ansible? 2. - name: “Update text in the file” lineinfile: path: /path-to-the-file/ I have a question. 9: how to CONTINUE with the rest of the tasks if a condition is not satisfied. Check if a value is part of a list, the name of the list being in a variable. How to specify multiple conditions in a do-until loop in Ansible. Probably this example with multiple if conditions will help you: - name: Example playbook hosts: 127. How to write Ansible conditional for loop. changed: break. It usually comes down to sort of a hack. ansible; Share. So this is definitely not a replacement for our typical loop. 1, the loop_control option can be used to specify the name of the variable to be used for the loop: # main. Ansible skipping when condition is true. However you can use -include_tasks: my_grouped_tasks. In these cases, you can register a validate step (checking if that application exists) as a variable and place a when condition for this registered variable to exist to run the dependent tasks. The Overflow Blog How engineering teams can thrive in 2025 “Countries are I'm getting different results when using loop vs with_items when trying to iterate over a list of dictionaries. (1 indexed) ansible_loop. However, it currently seems like the loop is executed first, then the when condition is evaluated, and afterward, the until loop is evaluated: Desired order: retry until one host has concluded: { loop over IDs: { when item is host_id: { check_state } } } Current order: loop over IDs: { when item is host_id: { retry until one host has concluded Ansible can use conditionals to execute tasks or plays when certain conditions are met. Tasks with conditions will only execute when the condition evaluates to true. 10. 1k 6 6 gold badges 33 33 silver badges 63 63 bronze badges. yml - set_fact: num: 1 req_num: 10 - name: Start to unregister entities include_tasks: outpu An update: In 2. Playbook excerpt: I am trying to use ansible loop until the condition is met. (0 indexed) ansible_loop. debug: var: item loop: "{{ How to write Ansible conditional for loop. Combining loop with until in Ansible. 0, you can use a block around your task with your condition: - block: - name: Do smthg with countvar command: echo "{{ item }}" with_sequence: start=1 end={{countvar. It checks this condition using ansible_facts['os_family']. Basically, to write in Ansnible this: for x in list_of_items: res = module(x) if res. Ansible template loop. I can use until if the output is only single line, however if the output is multiple lines, I will need to use stdout_lines but fail to do so. Need help using when conditions with Ansible Loops. The most commonly used syntax for conditionals in Ansible is the when You will note a lot of ‘skipped’ output by default in Ansible when using this approach on systems that don’t match the criteria. --- - name: Ansible tasks to work on Ansible When # Defining the remote server where Ansible will run hosts: web remote_user: ubuntu # Using Remote host as ubuntu become: true tasks: # (Task -1) Checking In this blog post I will cover how we can loop groups/blocks of tasks within Ansible. For example with custom labelling to each iteration. To implement a conditional, For that, create the Playbook loop_users. ite Ansible when condition in loop. stdout == 'SSUS' How to write Ansible conditional for loop. 2: 1: September 30, 2013 Due to the fact that we cannot run loop on block with Ansible, therefore I have to do include_tasks in the loop where the referenced file contains more than 1 task. Ansible will evaluate the conditional statements for each item in the loop and execute or skip the tasks accordingly. How to loop over loop in ansible and execute subsequent task when condition matches for each element if found. “{{ groups[‘ios’] }}” when: hostvars. if I Ansible handles loops similar to this in a rather funky way. Prior to Ansible 2. Ansible json_query. index0. mpmzokbkpaahkivfxygshzravfwszaffrcvcctqhxxxuevkhifjzmwngfpvjnpcxgdkqbtihkgta